一些无奈:和 Nature 的沟通

前段时间预告过我们正在翻译 Nature Outlook:Schizophrenia 这一期免费期刊,同时在和 Nature 杂志社联系,希望可以得到他们的授权,现在我们的文章翻译校对都在尾声, 但和 Nature联系后,我们得到的答复是:

“Although it says Free next to the article this just means that it is free to view on our website not that it is free to reuse and republish.”

“Thank you for your email, unfortunately it is not our policy to allow full papers to be posted online anywhere which is why you have received this message. You are welcome to post an abstract of the paper with a link to the full paper on nature.com but unfortunately we cannot allow you to post the full paper.”

意思就是虽然是免费文章,但是这只允许在 Nature 自己网站上查看,我们无权发布译稿。这是他们的权力无疑,但是如此规定,未免凉了我们这些有节操的小伙伴们的心。

​“突触”的小伙伴们作为有节操的“既得利益者(获得心灵上的满足)”,面对如此无奈的现实,无力抗争,只能说一句“Fuck!”Nature 这种规定,一方面抬高了阅读门槛,让普通大众远离真学术;另一方面不利于版权的发展(试想,商业网站谁翻译发布个免费文献还去征得你的同意?!)。

下面是我们对Nature 的一封回信(英文的,大体意思如前所述,因此不再翻译)

“Dear XXX,

It’s such a pity that we can not share the translated version of the paper with more people. By the way, these articles do not have an abstract, so I guess if we could not get permission, the only way is to write a brief introduction of the paper and provide a link to the full paper.

Yet, such would not guarantee a higher reading rate and a positive reading experience. There are many people who can not understand English in China, but we all know the best academic articles are mostly written in English. Our aim is to make the most advanced discussion in the development of science accessible to the general population so as to promote knowledge and understanding towards mental health in China.

In doing so, we by no means attempt to violate your copyright. Instead, we fully respect it and would make very strict references in our translation. We set a high standard for ourselves which is nowadays rarely followed by many other commercial websites.

Translate the free articles can rise the accessibility of Nature. Although I have been a fan of Nature as a Phd student, it seems “outsiders” of academic group can hardly get access to it. I really wish that one day the free articles can be shared, at least the translated version.We do not know if it is possible for you to send this letter to NPG board and have some discussion whether some changes can be made about the right policy, but if possible, we owe you our earnest gratitude.

Thank you for your kindly reply.






  1. 确实是有些无奈的,小伙伴们的回信说到我心坎里啊。。。对于那些不太会读洋文原著的娃儿来说,有些研究虽然很感兴趣但是只能望洋兴叹呐=_=好吧,今儿就是再看这标题想来吐槽下。。。。


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